Sunday, February 21, 2010

Well That Was Fun

Earlier this week I was rock climbing. This was a good thing because I am required to climb once a week in addition to class to get full credit for participation. My friend Karen hooked me up with a buddy of hers named Matt who loves to climb, and we had tried for weeks to mesh schedules so that we could go together. Well on Tuesday, everything meshed and we met up to go climb.

Matt had the brilliant idea that we should try bouldering. This is rock climbing without a rope in case you didn't know. It was my first time trying this, but The Quarry where I climb has a nice bouncy floor so when you fall, you don't get hurt, or at least that is the goal. I showed up with all of my non-athleticism and fell my first time up the wall. I only fell about 2.5 feet, but Matt thought I hit my foot on one of the foot holds as I fell and as I landed, I rolled my ankle. This was the result.

Amazingly enough the foot it not broken, much to the surprise of the doctor. I do however have a level three sprain, which means I tore one ligament, possibly two, and might need surgery. I go see the doctor again in three weeks to see if everything is healing the way it is supposed to. I should stay away from sports. I really should!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


If you have noticed on my side bar I am taking an Anthropology class this semester. The great thing about this class is there is no final! The bad thing is, the majority of our grade is a research paper due at the end of the semester. So as not to be completly stressed out, I am thinking up subjects now. The paper can be on anything, and I am toying with the idea of writing a paper on courting rituals in different societies. The only problem with that is I havn't the foggiest notion of where to look for books to read on the subject. So this is a call for help- PLEASE let me know if you know of a book that will help me out, or if you have a brilliant idea for a paper that has something to do with anthropology.

In other news, for my rock climbing class I have made it to the top of the climbing wall several times in one class. I am still scared out of my mind that I will fall and plumit to my death (yes I know that is why I have a belay person, but my entire class is made up of cute little nursing studants all of whom I probably out way by about 20 lbs) but I am getting better.