Friday, December 19, 2008

I Can't Believe It!

I am having a hard time believing that Christmas is less than a week away, and feel bad that I have neglected my blogging duties. All in all have been very busy lately. I finished my class I was taking, English 2010, and thanks to all who posted a comment or emailed me about womanhood, your comments were wonderful, and I ended up with an 'A' on the assignmen and an 'A' in the class as my final grade.
I am looking forward to Christmas, with siblings coming into town and getting to see my nieces. I was very proud of myself for getting my holiday shopping done early, and even have them wrapped and under my tree ready to be handed out (yes Amber, I have a tree now!)
Other than that my life has been pretty boreing lately, hence the lack of posts. Will have to think of something clever to post about later, I am sure I can think of some interesting antidote to tell, either from the shark tank (dateing life) or I can recount some more prison stories just to make Keri laugh! Happy holidays to all!

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