Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life in Prison

I work at the prison. For the most part it is pretty boring and your basic job of same stuff, different day. The exception to this rule is Tuesdays. Every Tuesday inmates parole. We get to see all the cute little families come and pick up there significant other and take the required 'the day i got out of prison' picutres (you think i am kidding). These are the scrapbooking moments we all want to share right?

Today however we got a treat. A black limo showed up to pick up an inmate. We were laughing slightly at this, then came the great part- the women getting out of the limo was a rather large women, had on a black mini skirt, thigh high silver boots, and a black fedora. More laughter followed her exit from the limo, and more employess of clinical services came into the pharmacy to get a better look at her. Out comes the inmate and they get into the limo and very slowly leave the prison.

Then comes the best part.... a couple of hours later the limo comes back! Same women exits the limo without the hat and looking not quite as put together as before, and picks up a second inmate!

Needless to say we have been giggling all day!


JACK!E said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is SO funny!

Ker said...

Are you kidding! OMG!

The Shepherds said...

Trudy I would love your job!