My trip to San Diego was delightful- despite my flight home being delayed an hour and a half because of the snow that was supposedly falling in Salt Lake. One of the best things I took away from my trip was a new way to read the Book of Mormon. Now I know I am not the only one who has struggled with regular scripture study. I do really well until I get to the Isaiah chapters and then I put down my trusty quad and the bookmark will remain in the same place for months on end. I am getting better, and my new effort has lots to do with my dear friend Nikole. While I was visiting her flooded apartment we were discussing reading our scriptures. Nikole is much better at it than I am, and she got to hear the mission president in her area give a talk about the Book of Mormon, and how to read it with better meaning. He has all his missionaries read the Book of Mormon this way, and Nikole took good notes and started to read it the same way, and she has in turn passed it along to me. So for all of you who are interested here you go.
1. Get a new copy of the Book of Mormon- and I mean the cheap $2 one from the distribution center.
2. Get 4 different colors of colored pencils.
3. As you start to read, mark your scriptures in the following way:
Color #1- Anytime Christ's name is mentioned (nikole and i also mark any form of Christs name, ie: God, Lord, etc.)
Color #2-Principles or Doctrine of the gospel
Color #3- Attributes of Christ
Color #4- Any time that Christ is speaking or being quoted.
It has been very interesting to read this way, and I have found myself paying more attention as I read.
Also everyone should check out Jeffery R. Holland's talk from conference this past Sunday. WOW!