Friday, January 27, 2012


I know! Look at that I am blogging :) I am a reader- I love to read, doesn't matter what it is- for the most part I will give most anything a try. I always take a book with me no matter where I go, that way if I am my usual 15 minutes early to an event or someone else is late I am not bored- cause I have a book :) I also have the habit of stashing books at different places. I am currently reading 3, no wait 4 books and listening to a 5th on my iPod. One book I have in my room on my bed to read at night, one book in my drawer at work to read during lunch, one at my boyfriends house to read while I am there (cause he reads as much as I do) and then I have a book I am reading on my ereader app on my phone in case I happen to be somewhere without a printed book. Hopefully this cumpulsive stashing of books everywhere will help decrease the size of my 'to read' pile- it is pretty bad.